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Clang setup on Linux

In this article, we will discuss how to setup Clang on Linux easily.


The Clang tool is a front end compiler that is used to compile programming languages such as C++, C, Objective C++ and Objective C into machine code.

Clang is also used as a compiler for frameworks like OpenMP, OpenCL, RenderScript, CUDA and HIP. Clang uses the LLVM compiler as its back end and it has been included in the release of the LLVM since the LLVM 2.6.

Downloading and installing

We will be installing Clang from terminal in Linux.

First, we have to open up the terminal; we can use the shortcut Ctrl + Alt + t or we can manually open it up by searching it in the menu

Command 1: To begin, update the packages list using the below command

sudo apt-get update

This command is used to download package information from all configured sources and to get the info of the updated versions of the packages.


sudo (Super User DO) enables a permitted user to run a command as the superuser or another user, depending on the security policy. So, if required, enter your system password to proceed.

Command 2: Now we will download Clang by the following command

sudo apt-get install clang

If required enter your system password to proceed.

Output for `sudo apt-get install clang`

Command 3: After download, check if Clang had successfully installed on your system.

clang --version

If installed successfully, output would be like this:


Output for `clang --version`


Command: If you want to uninstall Clang, due to any reason, run the following command

sudo apt remove clang && sudo apt autoremove

If required enter your system password to proceed.


Output for `sudo apt remove clang && sudo apt autoremove`