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Introduction to Conditions

So far, we've been creating programs that worked the same way every time. Our creations could not make decisions. Now is the time to change that. In this lesson we will provide branching paths for our programs to execute based on what the user types in. This will be a guided lesson in which we will make an application that checks if the user can legally get a Driver's License. 😎

Code preparation​

Let's first ask the user for their year of birth.

#include <iostream>

int main()
std::cout << "Welcome to the Driver's License Oracle 2000\n";
std::cout << "Please enter your year of birth: ";

int year_of_birth;
std::cin >> year_of_birth;

// Year 2022 at the moment of writing this lesson
int age = 2022 - year_of_birth;

// Case A:
std::cout << "You can legally get a driver's license\n";

// Case B:
std::cout << "You cannot legally get a driver's license\n";

Here, I've highlighted two pieces of code β€” one where the user can legally get a driver's license, and another where they cannot. We only want one of these segments to execute, not both. How can we do that? First, we should specify what the "cases" are, and under what conditions they should execute.

  • Case A β€” Legal β€” This should be executed only when age is greater than or equal to 18
  • Case B β€” Illegal β€” This should be executed only when age is less than 18

Continue on and you'll see how we can translate these cases into code.

Conditional statements​

The simplest form of a condition in C++ is the if statement, the basic form of which is as follows:

Anatomy of an if statement
if (/* boolean condition */) 
// The code in here executes only if the condition evaluates to true

// The code out here executes regardless of whether the condition is true or false

To use an if statement, we need two things:

  1. A condition that results in a boolean true/false value when evaluated
  2. Code to execute when the condition evaluates to true

After an if keyword, we put a boolean condition inside of parentheses. Then, the braces that surround #2 create what's known as a block of code. Everything inside this code block will be executed if and only if the condition is true. Variables that are created in a code block live and die with that code block β€” they are destroyed when the block ends (with the closing brace } ) and are completely inaccessible from outside it.

Let's apply this to our Driver's License example by combining the if statement with the cases we previously determined:

First attempt at using if statements
#include <iostream>

int main()
std::cout << "Welcome to the Driver's License Oracle 2000\n";
std::cout << "Please enter your year of birth: ";

int year_of_birth;
std::cin >> year_of_birth;

// Year 2022 at the moment of writing this lesson
int age = 2022 - year_of_birth;

// Case A:
if (/* age is greater than or equal to 18*/)
std::cout << "You can legally get a driver's license\n";

// Case B:
if (/* age is less than 18 */)
std::cout << "You cannot legally get a driver's license\n";

Notice here how we have two if statements, one for each case. The first one handles our Case A, where they can legally obtain a driver's license. The second one handles our Case B, where they cannot legally obtain a driver's license.

Upon closer inspection, one fact should quickly become obvious β€” these cases are mutually exclusive. This means that it is not possible for both cases to be true; only one or the other can execute. C++ provides the else keyword to delineate mutually exclusive conditions. While the above code will work as expected, we can improve it like so:

Anatomy of an if-else statement
if (/* boolean condition */)
// The code in here executes only if the condition evalutes to true
// The code in here executes only if the condition evalutes to false

// The code out here executes regardless of whether the condition is true or false

This else block is optional, and you should only use it if you want mutual exclusion.

Now we can turn back to our example and see only one condition is necessary, as if one is true then the other must be false.

First attempt at using an if-else statement
#include <iostream>

int main()
std::cout << "Welcome to the Driver's License Oracle 2000\n";
std::cout << "Please enter your year of birth: ";

int year_of_birth;
std::cin >> year_of_birth;

// Year 2022 at the moment of writing this lesson
int age = 2022 - year_of_birth;

if (/* age is greater than or equal to 18*/)
std::cout << "You can legally get a driver's license\n";
std::cout << "You cannot legally get a driver's license\n";
No semicolon ;

Don't put semicolon (;) after the parentheses of the if statement. This won't cause a compiler error but it will cause your code to not behave correctly. The conditional code block will always be executed.

if (age >= 18) 
// ...
// ...

To recap, we have learned how to separate conditionally executed cases in our code into dedicated if statements. This allows us to choose what code gets run depending on various values in our program. Now that we have the basic structure of our if-else statement, we can see how to finish our program by creating the boolean condition.

Boolean expressions​

Inside the parenthesis of an if statement is the boolean expression, i.e. an expression that evaluates to either true or false. C++ provides several new operators that allow us to form such an expression.

Boolean operators​

Below is a table that shows some of the boolean operators available in C++. A boolean operator is one that returns a boolean true/false based on its input(s). They are like the other mathematical operators you've seen in previous lessons, but instead of evaluating to a number like int, they evaluate to a bool (true/false).

C++ operatorMath equivalentDescription
a == ba = bIs a equal to b?
a != ba β‰  bIs a not equal to b?
a > ba > bIs a strictly greater than b?
a >= ba β‰₯ bIs a greater than or equal to b?
a < ba < bIs a strictly less than b?
a <= ba ≀ bIs a less than or equal to b?

Equality operators​

The first two rows of our table == and != make up the equality operators. These two operators allow us to check if two values are the same. The equality operators work on most C++ types, including numbers, strings, bools, and more.


A single = is different from a double ==. The single = is the assignment operator, such as when you create or change a variable. The double == is the equality operator, used when you want to check if two variables have the same value.

So inside an if statement's condition, when you want to check for equality:

  • βœ” if (a == b)
  • ❌ if (a = b)

Relational operators​

The next four rows of our table make up the relational operators. These two operators allow us to compare two values positionally (such as on a number line or alphabetically). The relational operators work on some C++ types, like numbers and strings; however, many other types that we have not covered yet cannot be compared like this.

We now know enough to get the first version of our program functioning. As a reminder, we need to make a condition that checks whether the user's age is greater than or equal to 18. Using the table above, the closest match is age >= 18. Now we can fill in our if statement:

Driver's License Oracle 2000
#include <iostream>

int main()
std::cout << "Welcome to the Driver's License Oracle 2000\n";
std::cout << "Please enter your year of birth: ";

int year_of_birth;
std::cin >> year_of_birth;

// Year 2022 at the moment of writing this lesson
int age = 2022 - year_of_birth;

if (age >= 18)
std::cout << "You can legally get a driver's license\n";
std::cout << "You cannot legally get a driver's license\n";

As a bonus challenge, try to form three other equivalent formulations of age >= 18, using the other remaining relational operators for each one.

Compound boolean expressions​

You can transform and combine boolean expressions by what are called the logical operators. These are a subset of the boolean operators initially introduced above, but they are intended to take boolean value(s) as input.

C++ supports two equivalent forms of these operators, a textual version and a symbolic version. While the symbolic representation is more common in the wild, you may find the textual representation to be easier to understand and remember. You can use whichever you like best, but try to be consistent!

C++ operatorAlternative representationDescription
a and ba && bAre both a AND b true?
a or ba || bIs either a OR b true?
not c!cIs c false?

Logical AND operator​

The logical AND operator and/&& takes two boolean inputs and returns true if and only if both of its inputs are true. It's best to use this when you want to check if multiple conditions are all true, or whether multiple conditions are false (by also using the negation operator).

For example, false && true is false, while true and true is true.

Logical OR operator​

Similar to AND, the logical OR operator or/|| takes two boolean inputs and returns true if one or both of its inputs are true. It's best to use this when you want to check if any of multiple conditions are true, or if one variable is one of many possibilites.

For example, false or false is false, while false || true is true

Logical NOT operator​

Pay close attention to the last row in the above table; not/! is also known as the logical negation operator. This operator will flip the truth value of a single boolean input. So in the expression !c, c is a boolean ( true/false ), and the ! negation operator will turn true→false and false→true. This is equivalent to asking whether c is false. This operator is useful when you want to check whether some condition does not hold.

For example, !(a == b) is equivalent to a != b. Likewise, not (a <= b) is equivalent to a > b. Take note of how parentheses are used here to evaluate the inner expression first before logically negating it.

Upgrading the Oracle​

The state has passed new regulations and now we must upgrade our Oracle program to comply. The new law stipulates a maximum age for driver's licenses β€” those 65 years and older are no longer allowed to operate a motor vehicle.

We need to expand on our boolean condition to abide by this new requirement. Currently, age >= 18 sets the lower bound for the range of acceptable values. We are missing something that sets the upper bound, which should be 65. A boolean expression that checks if the age is less than 65 could look like age < 65. Note that we use < instead of <= because 65 year olds are banned from driving.

Now we have age >= 18 and age < 65, which must be combined in some way. We need to somehow specify that BOTH must be true β€” the person must be 18 or older AND younger than 65 to get a driver's license.

Looking back at the table in Compound boolean expressions, we can see that the and/&& operator fits this situation best. We can write this compound condition like age >= 18 and age < 65. Note that the left/right order here does not matter, meaning that age < 65 and age >= 18 is an equivalent condition.

Driver's License Oracle 3000
#include <iostream>

int main()
std::cout << "Welcome to the Driver's License Oracle 3000\n";
std::cout << "Please enter your year of birth: ";

int year_of_birth;
std::cin >> year_of_birth;

// Year 2022 at the moment of writing this lesson
int age = 2022 - year_of_birth;

if (age >= 18 and age < 65)
std::cout << "You can legally get a driver's license\n";
std::cout << "You cannot legally get a driver's license\n";
Chaining equality or relational operators

You may be tempted to rewrite the above compound condition like 18 <= age < 65. However, this will not work. While it will compile, it will result in incorrect behavior as it will always evaluate to true.

The same incorrect behavior also occurs with the equality operators. For example, age1 == age2 == 18 or age1 != age2 != 35 will both behave similarly to the above example, either always returning false or always returning true.

Never attempt to chain equality or relational operators. Always use the logical operators and/&& or or/|| to combine boolean expressions. For more information as to the reasoning behind this, see Booleans Β» int↔bool conversions.

Order of Operations​

Like the mathematical operators, the boolean operators also have their own priority schedule they strictly adhere to. Similar to "PEMDAS", those inside parentheses always gets evaluated first, and the other operators are computed according to their priorities listed below. Highest priority is on top.

! notLogical NOTRight-to-left 👠
* / %Multiplication/DivisionLeft-to-right 👒
+ -Addition/SubstractionLeft-to-right 👒
< <= > >=Relational operatorsLeft-to-right 👒
== !=Equality operatorsLeft-to-right 👒
&& andLogical ANDLeft-to-right 👒
|| orLogical ORLeft-to-right 👒

Let's use this to analyze some examples.

Order of Operations showcase
a > 10 and a < 100 or a == 150
// equivalent to
(a > 10 and a < 100) or a == 150

a * 4 == b + 5
// equivalent to
(a * 4) == (b + 5)

not a or b < 3701
// equivalent to
(not a) or (b < 3701)

not a != false
// equivalent to
(not a) != false
Use parentheses for disambiguation

It's best practice to not rely on the implicit rules of operator precedence too much. It can be hard for programmers to remember all of the rules about which operator gets evaluated first, so writing too much code that depends on these rules can make it harder to read and understand. If you intend for a subexpression to be evaluated first, it's a good idea to put it in parentheses.

So, instead of writing a and b and c or a and not b, consider doing (a and b and c) or (a and not b) instead.

Introduction to Conditions

So far, we've been creating programs that worked the same way every time. Our creations could not make decisions. Now is the time to change that. In this lesson we will provide branching paths for our programs to execute based on what the user types in. This will be a guided lesson in which we will make an application that checks if the user can legally get a Driver's License. 😎

Code preparation​

Let's first ask the user for their year of birth.

#include <iostream>

int main()
std::cout << "Welcome to the Driver's License Oracle 2000\n";
std::cout << "Please enter your year of birth: ";

int year_of_birth;
std::cin >> year_of_birth;

// Year 2022 at the moment of writing this lesson
int age = 2022 - year_of_birth;

// Case A:
std::cout << "You can legally get a driver's license\n";

// Case B:
std::cout << "You cannot legally get a driver's license\n";

Here, I've highlighted two pieces of code β€” one where the user can legally get a driver's license, and another where they cannot. We only want one of these segments to execute, not both. How can we do that? First, we should specify what the "cases" are, and under what conditions they should execute.

  • Case A β€” Legal β€” This should be executed only when age is greater than or equal to 18
  • Case B β€” Illegal β€” This should be executed only when age is less than 18

Continue on and you'll see how we can translate these cases into code.

Conditional statements​

The simplest form of a condition in C++ is the if statement, the basic form of which is as follows:

Anatomy of an if statement
if (/* boolean condition */) 
// The code in here executes only if the condition evaluates to true

// The code out here executes regardless of whether the condition is true or false

To use an if statement, we need two things:

  1. A condition that results in a boolean true/false value when evaluated
  2. Code to execute when the condition evaluates to true

After an if keyword, we put a boolean condition inside of parentheses. Then, the braces that surround #2 create what's known as a block of code. Everything inside this code block will be executed if and only if the condition is true. Variables that are created in a code block live and die with that code block β€” they are destroyed when the block ends (with the closing brace } ) and are completely inaccessible from outside it.

Let's apply this to our Driver's License example by combining the if statement with the cases we previously determined:

First attempt at using if statements
#include <iostream>

int main()
std::cout << "Welcome to the Driver's License Oracle 2000\n";
std::cout << "Please enter your year of birth: ";

int year_of_birth;
std::cin >> year_of_birth;

// Year 2022 at the moment of writing this lesson
int age = 2022 - year_of_birth;

// Case A:
if (/* age is greater than or equal to 18*/)
std::cout << "You can legally get a driver's license\n";

// Case B:
if (/* age is less than 18 */)
std::cout << "You cannot legally get a driver's license\n";

Notice here how we have two if statements, one for each case. The first one handles our Case A, where they can legally obtain a driver's license. The second one handles our Case B, where they cannot legally obtain a driver's license.

Upon closer inspection, one fact should quickly become obvious β€” these cases are mutually exclusive. This means that it is not possible for both cases to be true; only one or the other can execute. C++ provides the else keyword to delineate mutually exclusive conditions. While the above code will work as expected, we can improve it like so:

Anatomy of an if-else statement
if (/* boolean condition */)
// The code in here executes only if the condition evalutes to true
// The code in here executes only if the condition evalutes to false

// The code out here executes regardless of whether the condition is true or false

This else block is optional, and you should only use it if you want mutual exclusion.

Now we can turn back to our example and see only one condition is necessary, as if one is true then the other must be false.

First attempt at using an if-else statement
#include <iostream>

int main()
std::cout << "Welcome to the Driver's License Oracle 2000\n";
std::cout << "Please enter your year of birth: ";

int year_of_birth;
std::cin >> year_of_birth;

// Year 2022 at the moment of writing this lesson
int age = 2022 - year_of_birth;

if (/* age is greater than or equal to 18*/)
std::cout << "You can legally get a driver's license\n";
std::cout << "You cannot legally get a driver's license\n";
No semicolon ;

Don't put semicolon (;) after the parentheses of the if statement. This won't cause a compiler error but it will cause your code to not behave correctly. The conditional code block will always be executed.

if (age >= 18) 
// ...
// ...

To recap, we have learned how to separate conditionally executed cases in our code into dedicated if statements. This allows us to choose what code gets run depending on various values in our program. Now that we have the basic structure of our if-else statement, we can see how to finish our program by creating the boolean condition.

Boolean expressions​

Inside the parenthesis of an if statement is the boolean expression, i.e. an expression that evaluates to either true or false. C++ provides several new operators that allow us to form such an expression.

Boolean operators​

Below is a table that shows some of the boolean operators available in C++. A boolean operator is one that returns a boolean true/false based on its input(s). They are like the other mathematical operators you've seen in previous lessons, but instead of evaluating to a number like int, they evaluate to a bool (true/false).

C++ operatorMath equivalentDescription
a == ba = bIs a equal to b?
a != ba β‰  bIs a not equal to b?
a > ba > bIs a strictly greater than b?
a >= ba β‰₯ bIs a greater than or equal to b?
a < ba < bIs a strictly less than b?
a <= ba ≀ bIs a less than or equal to b?

Equality operators​

The first two rows of our table == and != make up the equality operators. These two operators allow us to check if two values are the same. The equality operators work on most C++ types, including numbers, strings, bools, and more.


A single = is different from a double ==. The single = is the assignment operator, such as when you create or change a variable. The double == is the equality operator, used when you want to check if two variables have the same value.

So inside an if statement's condition, when you want to check for equality:

  • βœ” if (a == b)
  • ❌ if (a = b)

Relational operators​

The next four rows of our table make up the relational operators. These two operators allow us to compare two values positionally (such as on a number line or alphabetically). The relational operators work on some C++ types, like numbers and strings; however, many other types that we have not covered yet cannot be compared like this.

We now know enough to get the first version of our program functioning. As a reminder, we need to make a condition that checks whether the user's age is greater than or equal to 18. Using the table above, the closest match is age >= 18. Now we can fill in our if statement:

Driver's License Oracle 2000
#include <iostream>

int main()
std::cout << "Welcome to the Driver's License Oracle 2000\n";
std::cout << "Please enter your year of birth: ";

int year_of_birth;
std::cin >> year_of_birth;

// Year 2022 at the moment of writing this lesson
int age = 2022 - year_of_birth;

if (age >= 18)
std::cout << "You can legally get a driver's license\n";
std::cout << "You cannot legally get a driver's license\n";

As a bonus challenge, try to form three other equivalent formulations of age >= 18, using the other remaining relational operators for each one.

Compound boolean expressions​

You can transform and combine boolean expressions by what are called the logical operators. These are a subset of the boolean operators initially introduced above, but they are intended to take boolean value(s) as input.

C++ supports two equivalent forms of these operators, a textual version and a symbolic version. While the symbolic representation is more common in the wild, you may find the textual representation to be easier to understand and remember. You can use whichever you like best, but try to be consistent!

C++ operatorAlternative representationDescription
a and ba && bAre both a AND b true?
a or ba || bIs either a OR b true?
not c!cIs c false?

Logical AND operator​

The logical AND operator and/&& takes two boolean inputs and returns true if and only if both of its inputs are true. It's best to use this when you want to check if multiple conditions are all true, or whether multiple conditions are false (by also using the negation operator).

For example, false && true is false, while true and true is true.

Logical OR operator​

Similar to AND, the logical OR operator or/|| takes two boolean inputs and returns true if one or both of its inputs are true. It's best to use this when you want to check if any of multiple conditions are true, or if one variable is one of many possibilites.

For example, false or false is false, while false || true is true

Logical NOT operator​

Pay close attention to the last row in the above table; not/! is also known as the logical negation operator. This operator will flip the truth value of a single boolean input. So in the expression !c, c is a boolean ( true/false ), and the ! negation operator will turn true→false and false→true. This is equivalent to asking whether c is false. This operator is useful when you want to check whether some condition does not hold.

For example, !(a == b) is equivalent to a != b. Likewise, not (a <= b) is equivalent to a > b. Take note of how parentheses are used here to evaluate the inner expression first before logically negating it.

Upgrading the Oracle​

The state has passed new regulations and now we must upgrade our Oracle program to comply. The new law stipulates a maximum age for driver's licenses β€” those 65 years and older are no longer allowed to operate a motor vehicle.

We need to expand on our boolean condition to abide by this new requirement. Currently, age >= 18 sets the lower bound for the range of acceptable values. We are missing something that sets the upper bound, which should be 65. A boolean expression that checks if the age is less than 65 could look like age < 65. Note that we use < instead of <= because 65 year olds are banned from driving.

Now we have age >= 18 and age < 65, which must be combined in some way. We need to somehow specify that BOTH must be true β€” the person must be 18 or older AND younger than 65 to get a driver's license.

Looking back at the table in Compound boolean expressions, we can see that the and/&& operator fits this situation best. We can write this compound condition like age >= 18 and age < 65. Note that the left/right order here does not matter, meaning that age < 65 and age >= 18 is an equivalent condition.

Driver's License Oracle 3000
#include <iostream>

int main()
std::cout << "Welcome to the Driver's License Oracle 3000\n";
std::cout << "Please enter your year of birth: ";

int year_of_birth;
std::cin >> year_of_birth;

// Year 2022 at the moment of writing this lesson
int age = 2022 - year_of_birth;

if (age >= 18 and age < 65)
std::cout << "You can legally get a driver's license\n";
std::cout << "You cannot legally get a driver's license\n";
Chaining equality or relational operators

You may be tempted to rewrite the above compound condition like 18 <= age < 65. However, this will not work. While it will compile, it will result in incorrect behavior as it will always evaluate to true.

The same incorrect behavior also occurs with the equality operators. For example, age1 == age2 == 18 or age1 != age2 != 35 will both behave similarly to the above example, either always returning false or always returning true.

Never attempt to chain equality or relational operators. Always use the logical operators and/&& or or/|| to combine boolean expressions. For more information as to the reasoning behind this, see Booleans Β» int↔bool conversions.

Order of Operations​

Like the mathematical operators, the boolean operators also have their own priority schedule they strictly adhere to. Similar to "PEMDAS", those inside parentheses always gets evaluated first, and the other operators are computed according to their priorities listed below. Highest priority is on top.

! notLogical NOTRight-to-left 👠
* / %Multiplication/DivisionLeft-to-right 👒
+ -Addition/SubstractionLeft-to-right 👒
< <= > >=Relational operatorsLeft-to-right 👒
== !=Equality operatorsLeft-to-right 👒
&& andLogical ANDLeft-to-right 👒
|| orLogical ORLeft-to-right 👒

Let's use this to analyze some examples.

Order of Operations showcase
a > 10 and a < 100 or a == 150
// equivalent to
(a > 10 and a < 100) or a == 150

a * 4 == b + 5
// equivalent to
(a * 4) == (b + 5)

not a or b < 3701
// equivalent to
(not a) or (b < 3701)

not a != false
// equivalent to
(not a) != false
Use parentheses for disambiguation

It's best practice to not rely on the implicit rules of operator precedence too much. It can be hard for programmers to remember all of the rules about which operator gets evaluated first, so writing too much code that depends on these rules can make it harder to read and understand. If you intend for a subexpression to be evaluated first, it's a good idea to put it in parentheses.

So, instead of writing a and b and c or a and not b, consider doing (a and b and c) or (a and not b) instead.