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std::swap() algorithm

// (1)
template< class T >
constexpr void swap( T& a, T& b ) noexcept(/* see below */);

// (2)
template< class T2, std::size_t N >
constexpr void swap( T2 (&a)[N], T2 (&b)[N] ) noexcept(/* see below */);

Exchanges the given values.

  • (1) Swaps the values a and b.

    Overload Resolution
    This overload does not participate in overload resolution unless std::is_move_constructible_v<T> && std::is_move_assignable_v<T> is true(since C++17)
  • (2) Swaps the arrays a and b. In effect calls std::swap_ranges(a, a + N, b).

    Overload Resolution
    This overload does not participate in overload resolution unless std::is_swappable_v<T2> is true(since C++17)



The values to be swapped.

Type requirements

T MoveConstructible, MoveAssignable  (since C++11)
CopyConstructible, CopyAssignable  (until C++11)

Return value



  • (1) - Constant.
  • (1) - Linear in N.


Before C++11 no exceptions were thrown.

  • (1)

    noexcept specification:

    std::is_nothrow_move_constructible<T>::value &&
  • (2)

    noexcept specification:


The overloads with a template parameter named ExecutionPolicy report errors as follows:

  • If execution of a function invoked as part of the algorithm throws an exception and ExecutionPolicy is one of the standard policies, std::terminate is called. For none other ExecutionPolicy, the behavior is implementation-defined.
  • If the algorithm fails to allocate memory, std::bad_alloc is thrown.


std::swap may be specialized in namespace std for program-defined types, but such specializations are not found by ADL (the namespace std is not the associated namespace for the program-defined type).

The expected way to make a program-defined type swappable is to provide a non-member function swap in the same namespace as the type: see Swappable for details.

The following overloads are already provided by the standard library:


Specializes the std::swap algorithm for std::pair

std::swap(std::tuple)  (since C++11)

Specializes the std::swap algorithm for std::tuple

std::swap(std::shader_ptr)  (since C++11)

Specializes the std::swap algorithm for std::shader_ptr

std::swap(std::weak_ptr)  (since C++11)

Specializes the std::swap algorithm for std::weak_ptr

std::swap(std::unique_ptr)  (since C++11)

Specializes the std::swap algorithm for std::unique_ptr

std::swap(std::function)  (since C++11)

Specializes the std::swap algorithm for std::function


Specializes the std::swap algorithm for std::basic_string

std::swap(std::array)  (since C++11)

Specializes the std::swap algorithm for std::array

std::swap(std::deque)  (since C++11)

Specializes the std::swap algorithm for std::deque

std::swap(std::forward_list)  (since C++11)

Specializes the std::swap algorithm for std::forward_list


Specializes the std::swap algorithm for std::list


Specializes the std::swap algorithm for std::vector


Specializes the std::swap algorithm for std::map


Specializes the std::swap algorithm for std::multimap


Specializes the std::swap algorithm for std::set


Specializes the std::swap algorithm for std::multiset

std::swap(std::unordered_map)  (since C++11)

Specializes the std::swap algorithm for std::unordered_map

std::swap(std::unordered_multimap)  (since C++11)

Specializes the std::swap algorithm for std::unordered_multimap

std::swap(std::unordered_set)  (since C++11)

Specializes the std::swap algorithm for std::unordered_set

std::swap(std::unordered_multiset)  (since C++11)

Specializes the std::swap algorithm for std::unordered_multiset

std::swap(std::queue)  (since C++11)

Specializes the std::swap algorithm for std::queue

std::swap(std::priority_queue)  (since C++11)

Specializes the std::swap algorithm for std::priority_queue

std::swap(std::stack)  (since C++11)

Specializes the std::swap algorithm for std::stack

std::swap(std::valarray)  (since C++11)

Specializes the std::swap algorithm for std::valarray

std::swap(std::basic_stringbuf)  (since C++11)

Specializes the std::swap algorithm for std::basic_stringbuf

std::swap(std::basic_istringstream)  (since C++11)

Specializes the std::swap algorithm for std::basic_istringstream

std::swap(std::basic_ostringstream)  (since C++11)

Specializes the std::swap algorithm for std::basic_ostringstream

std::swap(std::basic_stringstream)  (since C++11)

Specializes the std::swap algorithm for std::basic_stringstream

std::swap(std::basic_filebuf)  (since C++11)

Specializes the std::swap algorithm for std::basic_filebuf

std::swap(std::basic_ifstream)  (since C++11)

Specializes the std::swap algorithm for std::basic_ifstream

std::swap(std::basic_ofstream)  (since C++11)

Specializes the std::swap algorithm for std::basic_ofstream

std::swap(std::basic_fstream)  (since C++11)

Specializes the std::swap algorithm for std::basic_fstream

std::swap(std::basic_syncbuf)  (since C++20)

Specializes the std::swap algorithm for std::basic_syncbuf

std::swap(std::basic_spanbuf)  (since C++23)

Specializes the std::swap algorithm for std::basic_spanbuf

std::swap(std::basic_ispanstream)  (since C++23)

Specializes the std::swap algorithm for std::basic_ispanstream

std::swap(std::basic_ospanstream)  (since C++23)

Specializes the std::swap algorithm for std::basic_ospanstream

std::swap(std::basic_spanstream)  (since C++23)

Specializes the std::swap algorithm for std::basic_spanstream

std::swap(std::basic_regex)  (since C++11)

Specializes the std::swap algorithm for std::basic_regex

std::swap(std::match_results)  (since C++11)

Specializes the std::swap algorithm for std::match_results

std::swap(std::thread)  (since C++11)

Specializes the std::swap algorithm for std::thread

std::swap(std::unique_lock)  (since C++11)

Specializes the std::swap algorithm for std::unique_lock

std::swap(std::shared_lock)  (since C++14)

Specializes the std::swap algorithm for std::shared_lock

std::swap(std::promise)  (since C++11)

Specializes the std::swap algorithm for std::promise

std::swap(std::packaged_task)  (since C++11)

Specializes the std::swap algorithm for std::packaged_task

std::swap(std::optional)  (since C++17)

Specializes the std::swap algorithm for std::optional

std::swap(std::any)  (since C++17)

Specializes the std::swap algorithm for std::any

std::swap(std::variant)  (since C++17)

Specializes the std::swap algorithm for std::variant

std::swap(std::basic_stacktrace)  (since C++17)

Specializes the std::swap algorithm for std::basic_stacktrace

swap(std::filesystem::path)  (since C++17)

Specializes (hidden friend) the std::swap algorithm for std::filesystem::path

swap(std::expected)  (since C++23)

Specializes (hidden friend) the std::swap algorithm for std::expected

swap(std::jthread)  (since C++20)

Specializes (hidden friend) the std::swap algorithm for std::jthread

swap(std::move_only_function)  (since C++23)

Specializes (hidden friend) the std::swap algorithm for std::move_only_function

swap(std::stop_source)  (since C++20)

Specializes (hidden friend) the std::swap algorithm for std::stop_source

swap(std::stop_token)  (since C++20)

Specializes (hidden friend) the std::swap algorithm for std::stop_token


#include <algorithm>
#include <iostream>

namespace Ns
class A
int id {};

friend void swap(A& lhs, A& rhs)
std::cout << "swap(" << lhs << ", " << rhs << ")\n";

friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, A const& a)
return os << "A::id=" <<;

A(int i) : id {i} {}
A(A const&) = delete;
A& operator = (A const&) = delete;

int main()
int a = 5, b = 3;
std::cout << a << ' ' << b << '\n';
std::swap(a, b);
std::cout << a << ' ' << b << '\n';

Ns::A p {6}, q {9};
std::cout << p << ' ' << q << '\n';
// std::swap(p, q); // error, type requirements are not satisfied
swap(p, q); // OK, ADL finds the appropriate friend `swap`
std::cout << p << ' ' << q << '\n';
5 3
3 5
A::id=6 A::id=9
swap(A::id=6, A::id=9)
A::id=9 A::id=6
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