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Defined inmemory
Since C++20
// 1)
template< class T, class Alloc, class... Args >
constexpr auto uses_allocator_construction_args( const Alloc& alloc,
Args&&... args) noexcept;

Prepares the argument list needed to create an object of the given type T by means of uses-allocator construction.

  1. This overload participates in overload resolution only if T is not a specialization of std::pair. Returns std::tuple determined as follows:
    • If std::uses_allocator_v<T, Alloc> is false and std::is_constructible_v<T, Args...> is true, returns std::forward_as_tuple(std::forward<Args>(args)...)
    • Otherwise, if std::uses_allocator_v<T, Alloc> is true and std::is_constructible_v<T, std::allocator_arg_t, const Alloc&, Args...> is true, returns std::tuple<std::allocator_arg_t, const Alloc&, Args&&...>(std::allocator_arg, alloc, std::forward<Args>(args)...)
    • Otherwise, if std::uses_allocator_v<T, Alloc> is true and std::is_constructible_v<T, Args..., const Alloc&> is true, returns std::forward_as_tuple(std::forward<Args>(args)..., alloc)
    • Otherwise, the program is ill-formed
  2. This overload participates in overload resolution only if T is a specialization of std::pair. For T that is std::pair<T1, T2>, equivalent to
return std::make_tuple( std::piecewise_construct,
std::apply( [&alloc](auto&&... args1) {
return std::uses_allocator_construction_args<T1>( alloc,
}, std::forward<Tuple1>(x)),
std::apply( [&alloc](auto&&... args2) {
return std::uses_allocator_construction_args<T2>( alloc,
}, std::forward<Tuple2>(y))
  1. This overload participates in overload resolution only if T is a specialization of std::pair. Equivalent to
return std::uses_allocator_construction_args<T>(alloc,
std::piecewise_construct, std::tuple<>{}, std::tuple<>{}
  1. This overload participates in overload resolution only if T is a specialization of std::pair. Equivalent to
return std::uses_allocator_construction_args<T>( alloc,

5-6) This overload participates in overload resolution only if T is a specialization of std::pair. Equivalent to

return std::uses_allocator_construction_args<T>( alloc,

7-8) This overload participates in overload resolution only if T is a specialization of std::pair. Equivalent to

return std::uses_allocator_construction_args<T>( alloc,
  1. This overload participates in overload resolution only if T is a specialization of std::pair. and given the exposition-only function template
template< class A, class B >
void /*deduce-as-pair*/( const std::pair<A, B>& );

, /*deduce-as-pair*/(non_pair) is ill-formed when considered as an unevaluated operand. Let the exposition-only class pair-constructor be defined as

class /*pair-constructor*/ {
const Alloc& alloc_; // exposition only
NonPair& u_; // exposition only

constexpr reconstruct(const std::remove_cv<T>& p) const // exposition only
return std::make_obj_using_allocator<std::remove_cv<T>>(alloc_, p);

constexpr reconstruct(std::remove_cv<T>&& p) const // exposition only
return std::make_obj_using_allocator<std::remove_cv<T>>(alloc_, std::move(p));

constexpr operator std::remove_cv<T>() const
return reconstruct(std::forward<NonPair>(u_));

This overload is equivalent to return std::make_tuple(pair_construction);, where pair_construction is a value of type pair-constructor whose alloc_ and u_ members are alloc and non_pair respectively.


alloc - the allocator to use.
args - the arguments to pass to T's constructor
x - tuple of arguments to pass to the constructors of T's first data member
y - tuple of arguments to pass to the constructors of T's second data member
u - single argument to pass to the constructor of T's first data member
v - single argument to pass to the constructor of T's second data member
pr - a pair whose first data member will be passed to the constructor of T's first data member and second data member will be passed to the constructor of T's second data member
non_pair - single argument to convert to a std::pair for further construction

Return value

std::tuple of arguments suitable for passing to the constructor of T.


This section is incomplete


The overloads (2-9) provide allocator propagation into std::pair, which supports neither leading-allocator nor trailing-allocator calling conventions (unlike, e.g. std::tuple, which uses leading-allocator convention).

When used in uses-allocator construction, the conversion function of pair-constructor converts the provided argument to std::pair at first, and then constructs the result from that std::pair by uses-allocator construction.

Defect reports

The following behavior-changing defect reports were applied retroactively to previously published C++ standards.

DRApplied toBehavior as publishedCorrect behavior
LWG 3525C++20no overload could handle non-pair types convertible to pairreconstructing overload added


Defined inmemory
Since C++20
// 1)
template< class T, class Alloc, class... Args >
constexpr auto uses_allocator_construction_args( const Alloc& alloc,
Args&&... args) noexcept;

Prepares the argument list needed to create an object of the given type T by means of uses-allocator construction.

  1. This overload participates in overload resolution only if T is not a specialization of std::pair. Returns std::tuple determined as follows:
    • If std::uses_allocator_v<T, Alloc> is false and std::is_constructible_v<T, Args...> is true, returns std::forward_as_tuple(std::forward<Args>(args)...)
    • Otherwise, if std::uses_allocator_v<T, Alloc> is true and std::is_constructible_v<T, std::allocator_arg_t, const Alloc&, Args...> is true, returns std::tuple<std::allocator_arg_t, const Alloc&, Args&&...>(std::allocator_arg, alloc, std::forward<Args>(args)...)
    • Otherwise, if std::uses_allocator_v<T, Alloc> is true and std::is_constructible_v<T, Args..., const Alloc&> is true, returns std::forward_as_tuple(std::forward<Args>(args)..., alloc)
    • Otherwise, the program is ill-formed
  2. This overload participates in overload resolution only if T is a specialization of std::pair. For T that is std::pair<T1, T2>, equivalent to
return std::make_tuple( std::piecewise_construct,
std::apply( [&alloc](auto&&... args1) {
return std::uses_allocator_construction_args<T1>( alloc,
}, std::forward<Tuple1>(x)),
std::apply( [&alloc](auto&&... args2) {
return std::uses_allocator_construction_args<T2>( alloc,
}, std::forward<Tuple2>(y))
  1. This overload participates in overload resolution only if T is a specialization of std::pair. Equivalent to
return std::uses_allocator_construction_args<T>(alloc,
std::piecewise_construct, std::tuple<>{}, std::tuple<>{}
  1. This overload participates in overload resolution only if T is a specialization of std::pair. Equivalent to
return std::uses_allocator_construction_args<T>( alloc,

5-6) This overload participates in overload resolution only if T is a specialization of std::pair. Equivalent to

return std::uses_allocator_construction_args<T>( alloc,

7-8) This overload participates in overload resolution only if T is a specialization of std::pair. Equivalent to

return std::uses_allocator_construction_args<T>( alloc,
  1. This overload participates in overload resolution only if T is a specialization of std::pair. and given the exposition-only function template
template< class A, class B >
void /*deduce-as-pair*/( const std::pair<A, B>& );

, /*deduce-as-pair*/(non_pair) is ill-formed when considered as an unevaluated operand. Let the exposition-only class pair-constructor be defined as

class /*pair-constructor*/ {
const Alloc& alloc_; // exposition only
NonPair& u_; // exposition only

constexpr reconstruct(const std::remove_cv<T>& p) const // exposition only
return std::make_obj_using_allocator<std::remove_cv<T>>(alloc_, p);

constexpr reconstruct(std::remove_cv<T>&& p) const // exposition only
return std::make_obj_using_allocator<std::remove_cv<T>>(alloc_, std::move(p));

constexpr operator std::remove_cv<T>() const
return reconstruct(std::forward<NonPair>(u_));

This overload is equivalent to return std::make_tuple(pair_construction);, where pair_construction is a value of type pair-constructor whose alloc_ and u_ members are alloc and non_pair respectively.


alloc - the allocator to use.
args - the arguments to pass to T's constructor
x - tuple of arguments to pass to the constructors of T's first data member
y - tuple of arguments to pass to the constructors of T's second data member
u - single argument to pass to the constructor of T's first data member
v - single argument to pass to the constructor of T's second data member
pr - a pair whose first data member will be passed to the constructor of T's first data member and second data member will be passed to the constructor of T's second data member
non_pair - single argument to convert to a std::pair for further construction

Return value

std::tuple of arguments suitable for passing to the constructor of T.


This section is incomplete


The overloads (2-9) provide allocator propagation into std::pair, which supports neither leading-allocator nor trailing-allocator calling conventions (unlike, e.g. std::tuple, which uses leading-allocator convention).

When used in uses-allocator construction, the conversion function of pair-constructor converts the provided argument to std::pair at first, and then constructs the result from that std::pair by uses-allocator construction.

Defect reports

The following behavior-changing defect reports were applied retroactively to previously published C++ standards.

DRApplied toBehavior as publishedCorrect behavior
LWG 3525C++20no overload could handle non-pair types convertible to pairreconstructing overload added