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std::map key_comp() method

// Const version only
key_compare key_comp() const;

Returns the function object that compares the keys, which is a copy of this container's constructor argument comp.



Return value

The key comparison function object.


Constant - O(1).




#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
#include <map>

// Example module 97 key compare function
struct ModCmp {
bool operator()(const int lhs, const int rhs) const
return (lhs % 97) < (rhs % 97);

int main()
std::map<int, char, ModCmp> cont;
cont = { { 1, 'a' }, { 2, 'b' }, { 3, 'c' }, { 4, 'd' }, { 5, 'e' } };

auto comp_func = cont.key_comp();

for (auto it : cont) {
bool before = comp_func(it.first, 100);
bool after = comp_func(100, it.first);

std::cout << '(' << it.first << ',' << it.second;
if (!before && !after)
std::cout << ") equivalent to key 100\n";
else if (before)
std::cout << ") goes before key 100\n";
else if (after)
std::cout << ") goes after key 100\n";
assert(0); // Cannot happen
(1,a) goes before key 100
(2,b) goes before key 100
(3,c) equivalent to key 100
(4,d) goes after key 100
(5,e) goes after key 100
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