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std::map operator[]

// (1) Non const version only
T& operator[]( const Key& key );
// (2) Non const version only
T& operator[]( Key&& key );

Returns a reference to the value that is mapped to a key equivalent to key, performing an insertion if such key does not already exist.

(1) Inserts a value_type object constructed in-place from std::piecewise_construct, std::forward_as_tuple(key), std::tuple<>() if the key does not exist.

Since C++17 this function is equivalent to return this->try_emplace(key).first->second.

When the default allocator is used, this results in the key being copy constructed from key and the mapped value being value-initialized.

Type requirements

(2) Inserts a value_type object constructed in-place from std::piecewise_construct, std::forward_as_tuple(std::move(key)), std::tuple<>() if the key does not exist.

Since C++17 this function is equivalent to return this->try_emplace(key).first->second.

When the default allocator is used, this results in the key being move constructed from key and the mapped value being value-initialized.

Type requirements


  • key - the key of the element to find

Return value

Reference to the mapped value of the new element if no element with key key existed. Otherwise a reference to the mapped value of the existing element whose key is equivalent to key.


If an exception is thrown by any operation, the insertion has no effect.


Logarithmic in the size of the container.


#include <iostream>
#include <map>

auto main() -> int {
std::map<std::string, int> playersScores = {
{ "player1", 50 },
{ "super_coder", 100 },
{ "andrew111", 41 }

std::cout << "player1 zdobył " << playersScores["player1"] << " punktów.\n";

std::cout << "super_cader zdobył " << playersScores["super_cader"] << " punktów.\n";
player1 zdobył 50 punktów.
super_cader zdobył 0 punktów.
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