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std::map value_compare

class value_compare;

value_compare is a function object that compares objects of type value_type (key-value pairs) by comparing of the first components of the pairs.

Member types

pubresult_type (deprecated in C++17) (removed in C++20)bool
pubfirst_argument_type (deprecated in C++17) (removed in C++20)value_type
pubsecond_argument_type (deprecated in C++17) (removed in C++20)value_type
These member types are obtained via publicly inheriting std::binary_function<value_type, value_type, bool>.

Protected member objects

protCompare compthe stored comparator

Member functions

prot(constructor)constructs a new value_compare object
value_compare( Compare c );

Initializes the internal instance of the comparator to c.


  • c - comparator to assign
puboperator()compares two values of type value_type
// Const version only
bool operator()( const value_type& lhs, const value_type& rhs ) const;

Compares lhs.first and rhs.first by calling the stored comparator.


  • lhs, rhs - values to compare

Return value

comp(lhs.first, rhs.first).


May throw implementation-defined exceptions.

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