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std::string reserve() method

// Non const version only
constexpr void reserve( size_type new_cap );

// Non const version only
void reserve();
  • (1) Informs a std::basic_string object of a planned change in size, so that it can manage the storage allocation appropriately.

    • If new_cap is greater than the current capacity(), new storage is allocated, and capacity() is made equal or greater than new_cap.
      • If new_cap is less than or equal to the current capacity(), there is no effect.
  • (2) A call to reserve with no argument is a non-binding shrink-to-fit request. After this call, capacity() has an unspecified value greater than or equal to size().


If a capacity change takes place, all iterators and references, including the past-the-end iterator, are invalidated.


  • new_cap - new capacity of the string, in number of elements

Type requirements

  • T (the container's element type) must meet the requirements of MoveInsertable.

Return value



At most linear in the size() of the container - O(size()).



#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

int main()
std::string s;
const std::string::size_type new_capacity{ 100u };
std::cout << "Before: " << s.capacity() << "\n";

std::cout << "After: " << s.capacity() << "\n";
assert(new_capacity <= s.capacity());

// observing the capacity growth factor
auto cap{ s.capacity() };
for (int check{}; check != 4; ++check) {
while(cap == s.capacity())
s += '$';
cap = s.capacity();
std::cout << "New capacity: " << cap << '\n';

// s.reserve(); //< deprecated in C++20, use:
std::cout << "After: " << s.capacity() << "\n";
Possible output
Before: 15
After: 100
New capacity: 200
New capacity: 400
New capacity: 800
New capacity: 1600
After: 801
This article originates from this CppReference page. It was likely altered for improvements or editors' preference. Click "Edit this page" to see all changes made to this document.
Hover to see the original license.

std::string reserve() method

// Non const version only
constexpr void reserve( size_type new_cap );

// Non const version only
void reserve();
  • (1) Informs a std::basic_string object of a planned change in size, so that it can manage the storage allocation appropriately.

    • If new_cap is greater than the current capacity(), new storage is allocated, and capacity() is made equal or greater than new_cap.
      • If new_cap is less than or equal to the current capacity(), there is no effect.
  • (2) A call to reserve with no argument is a non-binding shrink-to-fit request. After this call, capacity() has an unspecified value greater than or equal to size().


If a capacity change takes place, all iterators and references, including the past-the-end iterator, are invalidated.


  • new_cap - new capacity of the string, in number of elements

Type requirements

  • T (the container's element type) must meet the requirements of MoveInsertable.

Return value



At most linear in the size() of the container - O(size()).



#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>
#include <string>

int main()
std::string s;
const std::string::size_type new_capacity{ 100u };
std::cout << "Before: " << s.capacity() << "\n";

std::cout << "After: " << s.capacity() << "\n";
assert(new_capacity <= s.capacity());

// observing the capacity growth factor
auto cap{ s.capacity() };
for (int check{}; check != 4; ++check) {
while(cap == s.capacity())
s += '$';
cap = s.capacity();
std::cout << "New capacity: " << cap << '\n';

// s.reserve(); //< deprecated in C++20, use:
std::cout << "After: " << s.capacity() << "\n";
Possible output
Before: 15
After: 100
New capacity: 200
New capacity: 400
New capacity: 800
New capacity: 1600
After: 801
This article originates from this CppReference page. It was likely altered for improvements or editors' preference. Click "Edit this page" to see all changes made to this document.
Hover to see the original license.